Downtown Cincinnati is full of flashing construction arrow signs and traffic cones blocking streets...causing delays for workers and visitors.
City spokeswoman Meg Olberding said it is part of a "growth explosion."
“In my time at the city, I don’t remember quite this much construction happening in a concentrated area of the CBD, The banks and Over-the-Rhine,” Olberding said. “Obviously you do one thing one place, and it has a ripple effect.”
There are various projects including streetcar construction, Duke Energy utility work and private developments.
The city is launching a website (which will be active next week) to help people navigate the construction.
Olberding said officials are doing their best to keep the mornings and afternoons clear.
“We’re trying to keep those as open as possible, that’s kind of our priority one is morning and evening rush,” Olberding said. “We’re trying to push the construction in the right-of-way out of those time frames.”
But avoiding rush hours, means lots of lane restrictions during other parts of the day.
The city has hired a construction coordinator to keep everything organized, and also a construction engagement manager to communicated information to drivers and reach out to various stakeholders including downtown residents and business owners.