So many people and organizations to thank for the success of our recently completed Spring Fund Drive.
To every person who donated, supporting the news and information programming you rely on, and special thanks to all the first time donors who joined us - THANK YOU!
To our sustaining members, whose continuing support helps us budget and plan better, making for a stronger station - THANK YOU!
To the Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr./US Bank Foundation for the $25,000 matching grant - THANK YOU!
To all of our supporters who gave us extra dollars for matching grants - THANK YOU!
To the wonderful restaurants who so kindly provided food for the volunteers and staff - THANK YOU!
To all of the volunteers who came in to answer phones and take pledges, we can't do fund drives without you! - THANK YOU!
And last, but certainly not least, to Sir Patrick Freakin' Stewart for his wise words and heartfelt support of public radio. - THANK YOU!