Hamilton County Commissioners are still looking for ways to balance the 2013 budget without raising taxes. Public safety and the courts take up the largest portion of Hamilton County's general fund budget. Outgoing Sheriff Simon Leis has repeatedly said he'll have to reduce staff and services if his budget is cut.
Calling the process challenging, Board President Greg Hartmann says public safety is a top priority but the sheriff's department budget will be affected.
"I'm convinced and I believe that... the Sheriff's Department can take cuts without affecting, without closing the jail, without closing floors of the jail. I'm committed to making sure that that does not happen," he says.
Hartmann also says he's not in favor of raiding the county's reserves to balance the budget for one year. Commissioner Todd Portune says he'd consider utilizing the reserves if doing so is part of a sustainable, multi-year plan.
Three public budget hearings are scheduled:
October 23, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
Springfield Township Administration Building
Allen Paul Room
9150 Winton Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45231
October 29, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
Delhi Township Park Lodge
5125 Foley Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45233
October 30, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
Deer Park Municipal Building
7777 Blue Ash Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45236