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Anti-Gun Violence Week

Anti-Gun Violence Week presented by Aiken and the CHRC

There were 432 shootings in Cincinnati last year, many involving teens and children. A program presented by the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission (CHRC) and Aiken High School is one example of local agencies and schools working together to prevent youth gun violence and gang activity. CHRC Youth Services Coordinator Jaime Bryant and Aiken High School Senior, Raymia Lewis, who came up with the idea for Anti-Gun Violence Week, being held February 11 to 14 at Aiken High School, join us to discuss youth violence.

Jay Hanselman brings more than 10 years experience as a news anchor and reporter to 91.7 WVXU. He came to WVXU from WNKU, where he hosted the local broadcast of All Things Considered. Hanselman has been recognized for his reporting by the Kentucky AP Broadcasters Association, the Ohio Society of Professional Journalists, and the Ohio AP Broadcasters.