I recently spoke by phone with Douglas Blue Feather who's the organizer of the 3rd Annual Ohio Valley Indigenous Music Festival at Patricia Allyn Park in Springboro, Ohio, August 25th and 26th. This festival brings together world class flute makers & performers, as well as vendors of Native American jewelry and other crafts.
During our conversation, Douglas Blue Feather spoke about the tented stage filled with seats for listeners to enjoy the sounds of Native American flutes. He discussed the performers who'll be on stage and some of the master craftsmen of Native American flutes who'll be available to talk with folks who might like to purchase one of their flutes. There'll also be workshops, nearby campgrounds/hotels, and a family-friendly park setting with a nearby small pond, lots of hiking trails, and large playground for children.
Douglas Blue Feather also recently released a new cd, Santa Fe Trail, which will be available for purchase at his tent at the festival.